Give the Gift of Play!
When you give the gift of play, you directly help KS to achieve its mission of all kids play. In the 21st century, the mission of “all kids play,” is as important as ever.
According to the Aspen Institute’s 2019 Youth Sports Project “Sport for All – Play for Life,” the biggest barrier to children’s participation in sports is the ability to pay.” Last year, through the generous support of the KS community, 3,964 children were blessed with the gift of play. These are children who might otherwise never have the opportunity to play and have fun and to learn life lessons through physical activity and team sports.
Research shows that children who participate in sport and regular physical activity get better grades, stay in school longer, and are more likely to stay active and healthy for their entire lifetime.
Since 1954, the KS community has helped thousands of children have a better day and a better way in life through the KS Scholarship Fund. While a lot has changed in our world since 1954, what hasn’t changed is KIDSPORTS’s focus on kids. When all kids get to play, develop, and have fun, the compounding benefits build a foundation for them to be active for life. Active healthy kids become healthy adults who in turn make for active, healthy communities.
Your consideration of a gift towards achieving the mission of “All Kids Play,” would be immensely helpful and appreciated.