Registration & Team Formation Process
When you sign up to play in one of the Kidsports sport seasons there are a sequence of events that occur that lead to your child’s placement on a team and the establishment of practice and game schedules.
The Registration Deadline
The registration deadline is the starting point after which we can start to establish how many teams we are going to have for the season. There is some preparatory work done prior to the deadline where we make estimates of how many teams we think we may have in each area. Additionally, before the deadline, we have already begun the process of finding volunteer coaches in each area. We can only start to finalize actual teams after the registration deadline when everyone has had a chance to sign up to play. This is one reason why the practice and game schedules cannot be set before you register. It is unknown ahead of time how many kids will register to play from each school/area.
The 1st Coach ‘Organizational’ Meeting
Soon after the registration deadline, we hold the first coaches meeting of the season. At this meeting, the coaches receive information about the players that will be on their roster. Also at this time, the coach signs up for available facility time to start holding practices. This is when coaches will start to contact the registrants with info about practice schedules.
The Team Formation Process
In general, your child will be placed on a team with other registrants of the same grade/gender/school. Depending on the grade level, your child’s placement on a team may be based on a skill level evaluation during the first week of practices (usually middle school age teams only). All kids will be placed on a team, no one is ‘cut’ and not given the opportunity to play.
The Game Schedules
After the team rosters are completely finalized and all coaches are in place, we begin the process of creating the game schedules. The volunteer coach of each team has the opportunity to submit game schedule requests ahead of time that detail any dates/times that they would like to avoid having their team scheduled for games. This is one reason why game schedules are not always consistently set on the same day/time every week of the season. We have hundreds of coaches each season, all with unique requests for their team’s availability.