Links to current regular season league schedules, jamboree schedules, team formation schedules, and tournament schedules will be posted below when they become available.
Pay attention for an e-mail with an invite code for the Team Connect webpage for your team. This is an exciting new way for coaches and parents to stay in contact with each other and develop their own team webpage.
Coronavirus Info
- Kidsports Basketball Tournament Cancelled Mar. 13-15.
- Coach Open House at Kidsports Fieldhouse Cancelled Mar. 12
- Basketball (5th Grade) Tournament Schedules
- Basketball (6th-8th Grade GIRLS) Tournament Schedules
Note about practice schedules: The coach of each team schedules the practice times and locations for their team. The coach is responsible for communicating the practice schedule to the players/parents on the team. Not every team starts practicing on the 1st possible date of the season, some start a little later. If you have not heard from the coach contact us at [email protected] and we will give you all of the info we can to get you started and in contact with the coach.
More Information
- Game Cancellation Info
- Flu Season Recommendations
- Lightning Guidelines
- Hot Weather Guidelines
- Artificial Turf Field Rules
- Report Scores to [email protected]
- Line Up Cards
Note: Kidsports is not responsible for lost or stolen items during any practices, games, or events of any type. We do have a lost and found at our office at 2190 Polk St. in Eugene.